Starbucks Brand Gets Authentic

Local.  Authentic.  Community. Peeling back the structure.

This describes the latest in Starbuck’s transition of it’s brand to a new locally driven flavor.  You’d think they read my last post on authenticity.  Of course, I am just the millionth person to beg for authenticity when shopping, dining, playing or reading.

Give me something real.  You know I love authenticity. The irony is that Starbucks will package this authenticity and ship it worldwide as a commodity, but at least the idea is right.   And, of course they have the money and recognizable brand name to succeed with.

I personally think it’s a great strategy, especially the incorporation of regional and local flavors, artist, beer and wine.  Starbucks kills it with the morning and lunch crowd, but why would you ever go there after work?

I’ve seen similar restaurants who were focused on breakfast and lunch go this same route.  It’s not a new idea, but one that I think will put Starbucks back on the map as a “great local joint.”

About Tom Brauch

Love your family. Serve others. Try your best. Make friendship a fine art. Drink deeply from good books. Make each day your masterpiece. Give thanks for your blessings. Master your emotions. Accept responsibility. Reject passivity. Lead courageously. Don't hold onto things. Play hard. Work with passion. Put integrity first. Laugh at the world. Persist until you succeed. Act now. Refine.
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